Glossy UV plywood finish featuring a clear, durable top coating to add toughness, resisting to scrapes and chip. UV coating is basically a compound that is applied to wet wood and then instantly dried by ultraviolet light. Several different types of compounds are used to coat wood.
Glossy UV plywood finish featuring a clear, durable top coating to add toughness, resisting to scrapes and chip. UV coating is basically a compound that is applied to wet wood and then instantly dried by ultraviolet light. Several different types of compounds are used to coat wood.
Full birch plywood has good surface and strength,so suitable to make for furniture.
glossy UV birch plywood enjoyed by our clients.
Features and Benefits
Beautiful, durable finish resists scratches and chips.
Advanced sanding technology for a smoother, more beautiful appearance.
Finished surface reduces labor time and cost, increasing productivity and efficiency.
UV finished surface reduces VOC(Volatile Organics Compounds) emissions.
UV Wood panels are balanced and will stay flatter than a melamine one-side panel.
PLYNOVO branded 100% birch plywood B/BB, S/BB, BB/CP, CP/CP, Grade...
made by ZSKIND NEW plywood factory
same quality and grade as SVEZA and UPM/WISA